Plan Your Summer Elevation (worksheet included)

Hello Beloved Inner Circle,

Yesterday marked Jackson and Arya’s final day of Kindergarten and 1st grade. It’s amazing how my perspective on the significance of the start and end of the school year has changed since becoming a parent. It truly evokes strong emotions.

As summer is around the corner for most, I am sharing a tool I use where I think about seasons as “elevation periods” to keep our energy focused on what matters the most—as we have defined in our “vision circles” (see the the 60-min workshop from week 1, in case you missed it).

Journal Prompt: 

  • Here is a worksheet to envision your Summer Elevation Period exercise. Imagine it is the end of summer, and for each life area, list 2-3 things that you are celebrating. You can download the worksheet. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

  • It’s fascinating to see how many goals you actually achieve by the end of each period.

  • For me, I find that my “self-love me-time” occurs at night when I’m in bed and everyone else is asleep. I enjoy reviewing my list during this time. When do you schedule your self-check-ins?

  • As always, I prioritize focusing on the experiences I want rather than what may appear fancy or impressive. For instance, while the idea of traveling in Europe for a month may sound glamorous, I consider the potential challenges and exhaustion it may bring given Jackson and Arya’s ages and personalities.

May Round-Up:

May’s theme is VISION. My goal this year is to stretch your vision because too often we can’t see past this week or the season given how busy life gets. ICYMI: 

Inner Circle Member Reminders: 

  • This message compliments the WHOLE-SELF POWER Discovery Questionnaire you did or will do as you prepare for your private with me. (If you have not booked your private complimentary coaching session with me, please do so here).
  • You should have a Whole-Self Power Journal with all your key life departments as sections, below are above. What do you want to experience in these life areas? Create and rename life departments unique to you and your family. See this journal as your greatest investment of time… because if you love on you—your life departments will get the best of you, not the left over version of you. Keep adding to this journal through our journey and any other learnings that speak to you from books, podcasts, conferences, and special moments.
  • Increase your Income & Impact: S.H.E. GLOBL is on a on a mission to align 1000 women with their #WholeSelfPower by 2025 (outside of my corporate programs)… and my dream is for this to be a collective movement for all of us to increase our impact and income. So for every woman you refer, you will get 20% referral gift. We will be adding a “referral name” on the enrollment page for them to add your name.
  • Monthly “Cocktails with Claudia” gatherings are the last Monday 8PM EDT
    of each month. Think of it as a catch up drinks…and bring your soul, authenticity, wine, herbal tea, journals, PJ’s. Add to your calendar as a recurring event … of course optional but you never know what miracle it can bring. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 876 7549 6474 Passcode: 107607