Create a new definition of success that aligns with your whole-self and authenticity.

Does your life look really impressive on the outside, but on the inside you feel constantly overwhelmed, tired and never enough? 


After a decade of providing leadership programs for major companies and high-achieving entrepreneurs, I have gotten to know thousands of you deeply, and the mental and emotional battles behind your titles.

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? 

Never measuring up to expectations of yourself

A strive for perfectionism when you know it doesn't exist

Struggle to be present due to overthinking

Feeling guilty or unsafe if you are not hyper-productive

Chronic busyness from juggling work-family duties

People pleasing which results in a lack of boundaries

Imposter syndrome that turns into self-sabotage

Fear of uncertainty which leads to over-controlling

Today burn out is pervasive but unfortunately healing the deeper cycles that cause burn-out is not.


  • Why? Because mental and emotional health is invisible, people can suppress or repress it to stay productive.
  • As a result, culture has learned to self-soothe through alcohol, social media, and spending on superficial things that give the brain temporary dopamine, while the deeper issues causing the burn-out are neglected.


My clients frequently approach me when challenges become intolerable, often finding themselves in one or more of the below states.

Burn Out

You have had a lot of career and earning success but parts of your personal life have really paid a price (serious health issues, marital problems, lack. of communuity etc)

Major Life Change

You are preparing for or in the midst of change (caregiving, move, career change, divorce, loss, health etc).

Level Up Professionally

You have done sufficient inner-work and are ready to align with your next chapter.

When I met Claudia I was deep in the chaos of corporate life. I moved quickly and I was getting rewarded but I wasn’t happy.  I was deep in the “perform, conform, produce” cycle and frankly I was losing who I was and my happiness.  Having Claudia as a coach was a lifeline and validation that I was hitting up on the system, and it wasn’t me. She brought me to a my new life.

Deepa Purushothaman

Former Head of Inclusion at Deloitte, Author: The Few, The First, The Only: How Women of Color Can Redefine Power in Corporate America

Life is short. Time is precious.

Not only do you deserve a richer quality of life where you feel these emotions more consistently, the next generation needs you to prove that it is possible and model it.

Peace and Safety

and a calm nervous system 


and feeling more than enough


in serving your talents for issues you care about


from gratitude and fullness


which actually comes from your story and truth

What Has Your “Success” Cost You?

Two of the biggest excuses for avoiding coaching and counseling are the lack of time and money when the neglect can cost them what matters most.

Take a Deep Breath.


Zoom in on this Whole-Life Wheel.


What Area Has Paid the Price?

Hi, I am Claudia Chan

In the last 24 years, I have built several 6 to 7-figure businesses that have impacted over 1 million people. You may know me from S.H.E. Summit, This Is How We Rise book, S.H.E. GLOBL corporate programs, my TED talk, or Shecky’s Girls Night Out. 

But It was not until my early 40’s that I realized my lifetime strategy to success was chronic pressure–to the point where everything that mattered most in my life was getting the left-over version of me. High achievers are wired to produce that it often takes a breakdown to breakthrough.

In 2016 I lost my father while pregnant with my 2nd child. This inspired me to recalibrate my true priorities (and also inspired a chapter in my book) and shift my mindset to prioritize joy, worthiness, serving, and peace.  While we are all a work in progress,  my life is fuller than ever. 

Since then I’ve created a framework to help others create a better quality of life. Over the last 5 years, I have coached 5000 women from 7-figure entrepreneurs from my S.H.E. Summit stage to rising leaders in global companies such as Morgan Stanley, ESPN DISNEY, PepsiCo, Aflac, Konica Minolta, Audi, Samsung and more.

Now I want to make it accessible to everyone.

Your family and world needs the healthiest version of you. Get my FREE Wholeness Coaching Newsletter


What People Are Saying

Claudia Chan’s coaching and book provides a blueprint for addressing one of the most urgent issues of our time–gender equality–on both a personal and societal level. She will transform any person or organization.

Reshma Saujani

New York Times Bestselling Author of Brave, Not Perfect; CEO of Marshall Plan for Moms; Founder of Girls Who Code

Claudia – everything about you differentiates you. You are one of the few leaders focused on wholeness. I mentioned you to one of my coaches today, I will never forget what you said to me about my work. To paraphrase, you tied my success in the supplier diversity space to success at home with my husband, my family, my employees.

You pulled me towards the highest vision of what I wanted but could not put language to. You have been my “wizard of oz” and help me be fully me.

Jean Kristensen

CEO , JKA Solutions in Supply Chain Diversity & MWBE Capacity Builder

Claudia Chan is a total life transformation tornado.  She takes high-order observations and applies them in a practical way, delivering a rare combination of ruthless honesty and compassion.  At a time when humanity has been traded for tech, she has infused spirit and soul back into work.  I would not be becoming the woman I am without her coaching.

Kathleen Griffith

CEO, Investor & Founder, Grayce & Co., Build Like a Woman (CAA Rep)

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